editing and designing
living life



that moment of peace

that moment of peace

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

so, what up blogger?
i know.. i havent blogged in long time. i miss you guys. i havent crapped for sucha long time. and now im so bored here and i decided to blog and talk to yall. i know, and i do realize that probably noone will ever check out or even know my blog. but aww, whatever. as long as im happy, i dont really care about this lol. and i really do happy when im talking to yall

so, great news! im officially a bachelor student naww, PSYCHOLOGY of course haha. i know i know, its kinda out of the line from whatever shit i have told you long ago. that i want to pursue career in design or photography or whatsoever. of cos, i will not give up design since its like my freaking desire that i really wannabe. but psychology isnt that bad though :) i kinda like it since the first class. i got the feeling that its gonna be an awesome and coolest job i will ever do. i've got this freaking cool idea, after i graduate imma find a job *of cos. then imma work for like 2 years probably, then imma go somewhere else. obviously not singapore, ive got this feeling that singapore is only just my stepping stone so i have this really huge and strong feeling of moving to australia. IM NOT AFRAID. i meant eventhough i gotta start everything all over again from the start i really dont mind it. i admit it im kinda an adventurous girl, its actually a limit from my parents that kinda stuck me with this situation.

ok one thing, i actually cant get a job since im a student pass holder here in singapore. but yeah fuck it. i dont really care, im planning to get a job, earn money, i wanna do something valuable for living. ive been offered a job as a waitress in one cafe where my cousin is in. i was so freaking interested and excited until the time my mom gave me sucha long lecture about bla bla. yes, about the huge risk that imma take once im working there and all those creepy shit.
my mom actually has no idea what kind of daughter that she has. im a risk-taker MOM. really i am.
i told you i wanna have the best of both worlds just like hannah montana, well not really. i wanna have the best of million worlds possible. i just have one freaking life and i gotta do all, everything it is. ive told ya, i wanna be at the edge of death just to feel the excitement, the regret of not doing what i havent done when i was still alive and surrounded by everyone i love, the feeling of screaming till u just get your lung out of your body, the feeling of that the-fastest-beat that u will ever had only once in your life more than when you get on your first kiss or your first sex. yeah, i wanna feel that. yes that.
im a crazy girl as yall cud probably tell, but im a fun girl, dont worry.

i wonder whether there is someone who is just like me, crazy as me or probably crazier than me. im so gonna meet them and be friend, not just friend. be soulmate seeing that we both wud be match and perfectly together. i believe that someday i will find that someone whos gonna.. u know.. understand who am i.. who the truly me, more than my mom even.
i have sucha long way to go right infront of me. its like everynight i can really picture it right infront of me, that very long path, the straight way, the bright road. and its not only me alone, ive got Jesus with me, right beside me. or probably not, he is like everywhere u know, he is beside me to accompany me to everywhere the hell i go, just to remind me that im really not alone in this life journey. i can see Him infront of me, guiding me, and warning me whenever there is a hole or a little tiny stone which i cant even see it. He is like the most shining light who always brighten up my day, my night, warm up my cold night and darkness. and sometimes i can see Him right behind me, ready to hold me whenever i seem to fall, and he always guides me. and weird i can also see Him infront of me, give me blessing and wisdom and all. i love Him, he is the most loyal figure that ive ever known.

ew, my story goes weirdly. this is me when i allowed to speak. HAHA
so, back to the line.
gosh, i lost the idea man. cos im chatting with some of my friends and i just lost. lol
okay so.. ive just done something really stupid. so here it is. i have twitter acc, which is followed by some guy named dennis hegstad. so, i followed him back and he sent me DM to follow another of his account, i did. and guess what turned out. he is a freaking public figure, i meant some sort of shane dawson kinda thing. it actually kinda broke my heart. cos i was thinking that i was probably able to be friend with him. it was way before i found out that hes actually a public figure. so not a single chance, anyway screw it. but i just dont know why my mind keeps thinking about this dennis hegstad things. who the hell is he. -.-

okay moving on..
hmm.. idk what to talk about now. kinda lose all the majestic ideas since the incident that just happened :/
so i guess i'll see yall later. bye xo :)
iloveyouwhoeverreadsthis. trustme,im not lying.
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